Training to help carers achieve career dreams.
If you're an unpaid female carer looking to improve your employment prospects, the Carer Career Guidance Project can help you. The Project focusses on helping you build skills and knowledge, with opportunities to pursue subsidised and fee-free training available to support your career development and job readiness.
This support service is free to women carers for a limited time.
For more information, email
Delivered by TAFE NSW in collaboration with Carers NSW, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.
What is Carer Career Guidance?
Carer Career Guidance is a different pathway into qualifications that lead to employment. It starts with a process to recognise your skills and learning gained through your Carer experiences. In certain qualifications this could reduce the time you spend in study so you could finish your qualification sooner. For other qualifications it means that your Carer responsibilities will be recognised and your study and assessment requirements will be adjusted to better support your Carer role.
Is this pathway suitable for me?
If you are providing care and support to a family member or friend who lives with a disability, mental illness, alcohol or drug dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail due to age, then this is the right pathway for you. A TAFE NSW Carer Career Guidance Officer will provide you with individual assistance delivered flexibly over the phone, via email or by video call, providing support that is aimed at helping you access new and enhanced career development opportunities via training and employment.
How much does this cost?
Qualification costs differ based on individual circumstances. Please use the following link to assist you with determining this
How long will it take me?
The length of study will depend on the type of course that you choose.